DISCUSSION: Warm and Cool Colors
Choose a piece of art that has more warm colors and ask students questions about it, like:
what colors do you see?
Does it change how you are feeling?
What is happening?
How might it smell?
Choose a piece of art that has more cool colors and ask students questions about it, like:
what colors do you see?
What is happening in the piece?
How do you feel when you look at it?
How might it smell?
Horizon line first
Middle ground
Pick a landsacpe by Van Gogh and discuss it with the students
VAN GOGH1853-1890
Dutch Painter
Known for the way he applied paint to the canvas
In 1888 he moved to paris to paint
Sold only one piece of art while he was alive
Loved vivid colors landscapes, movementPainted with Gauguin
PROJECT: Create a landscape in the style of van Gogh
Step1: with Black Oil pastel: draw rolling hills in the foreground (front)
Step2: Draw three large mountains behind in the middle ground
Step3: Draw the sun in the corner
Step4: Draw rings of the sun in the background
Step5: With Chalk pastels: fill in the foreground with Cool colors
Step6: fill in the background with warm colors
Black oil pastels
Chalk pastels
White paper
Hairspray or fixative
I adapted this lesson from one I found on one of my favorite sites deepspacesparkle. Here is the link:http://deepspacesparkle.blogspot.com/2008/05/coolwarm-modern-landscapes.html
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