Objective: Students will create a color wheel using one point perspective, accurate color placement and value
CA Art Standards
1.1 Identify and use the principles of design to discuss, analyze, and write about visual aspects in the environment and in works of art, including their own.
2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design.
2.2 Prepare a portfolio of original two-and three-dimensional works of art that reflects refined craftsmanship and technical skills.
3.2 Identify and describe the role and influence of new technologies on contemporary works of art.
4.2 Compare the ways in which the meaning of a specific work of art has been affected over time because of changes in interpretation and context.
4.5 Employ the conventions of art criticism in writing and speaking about works of art.
5.0: Students apply what they learn in the visual arts across subject areas.
Tag Board
Color Pencils
Key Vocabulary:
Hue, Value, One point Perspective, tertiary
Direct Instruction
Color has a huge effect on our daily lives.
Everyday our emotions, moods, physical sensation (appetite) are influenced by the colors that surround us.
There are three (3) properties to color:
Hue: the name we give to a color (red, blue, etc.).
Intensity: refers to the strength/vividness of the color. For example, we may describe the color blue as "royal" (bright, rich, vibrant) or "dull" (grayed).
Value: meaning its lightness or darkness. Shade and Tint are in reference to value changes in colors.
One-point perspective -contains only one vanishing point on the horizon line.
This type of perspective is typically used for images of roads, railway tracks, hallways, or buildings viewed so that the front is directly facing the viewer.
Color Theory: is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual effects of a specific color combinations
Teacher Models
Examples of vocabulary on the board throughout discussion
Students take notes in their sketchbooks
Teacher Monitors room throughout discussion
Step by Step modeling on how to create color wheel
Check for Understanding:
Monitor room during Pre-assessment in sketchbook
Monitor throughout discussion ensure comprehension and active note taking
Various Activities Designed to check/enhance student comprehension
Project requirements:
Sketchbook: student uses sketchbook to complete studies on one point perspective and building details using a ruler
Final project: Student applies sketchbook skills onto final paper to create building color wheel
Student creates color wheel showing primary, secondary and tertiary colors
Student shows the shade, tint and pure color of 12 colors on the color wheel
Student added unique details on each of the 12 buildings using black ink
Final project is well thought out and executed
Student takes advantage of studio time by illustrating full effort in actions and final results.
Adapted from lesson found: http://tartteaching.blogspot.com/2012_08_01_archive.html